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This kit gathers the products:


Active Glyco Liquid Soap - Collagen Treatment:


Soap with 10% alpha hydroxy acids (mixture of glycolic, malic, lactic, tartaric, citric, natural lemon and orange derivatives) for chemical. Improves the appearance of the skin, leaving it looking healthy.

How to use:
apply a layer of the product across the face, which may include the neck region. Gently massage in a circular motion for five minutes. Leave to act for another five minutes or according to skin sensitivity. Remove with water.


Weight: 120ml (120g)



Red Clay Mask


The red clay mask improves the skin signs caused by chronological aging, has a tensor effect and helps to increase the skin's elasticity.

The biological complex containing peptides from rice, marine collagen and silicas, has a tissue restructuring and regenerative action, and reduces the visible signs of skin aging.

How to use:
After cleaning the face, apply a thin layer of red clay mask all over the face and neck. Leave to act for 30 minutes and remove with a cotton moistened with water.


Weight: 120g



Facial Exfoliating Gel


The Facial Exfoliating Gel promotes a gentle peeling, acts by removing dead cells and improves skin texture. Its formula contains apricot extract, astringent, purifying and moisturizing.

How to use:
spread small amounts over face and neck, massaging gently in a circular motion. Remove the product with water. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week


Weight: 60g

Glyco Kit

R$340.00 Regular Price
R$280.00Sale Price
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